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MeaningofLife.tv videos —
November 2018
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Nov 30, 2018 — Robert Wright & Sabine Hossenfelder
Sabine’s new book,
Lost in Math: How Beauty Leads Physics Astray
Sabine: There’s no reason to think the four fundamental forces can be unified
What “beauty” means to a physicist
The weirdness of the Higgs Boson
Must there be an explanation for the fundamental forces?
Sabine: Multiverse theory isn’t science
What Sabine wants physicists to be doing instead of chasing beauty
Nov 28, 2018 — John Horgan & Robert Trivers
A social theory based on natural selection
“This whole gender thing that’s blown up in the last 10 years…”
Women, men, and intelligence
Could evolutionary psychology explain honor killings?
“The older I get, the more I turn to prayer and meditation”
Robert’s recurring problem with spite
Nov 23, 2018 — Robert Wright & John Haught
The prescience of theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard’s synthesizing of the “above” and the “ahead”
John: The creation of humans is not the universe’s climax
John: God is “not yet”
Science and faith as different layers of explanation
Searching for God in a scientific age
Why John rejects perennialism
Questions from the live audience
Nov 16, 2018 — Robert Wright & Eddy Nahmias
Explaining “compatibilism,” the view that there’s no conflict between free will and determinism
Without free will, what happens to moral responsibility?
Eddy tells Bob he errs in saying determinism means events are “inevitable”
Free will is hard to imagine, but not nonsensical
Why most philosophers today are compatibilists
Bob: Compatibilists are just playing word games
Were prisoners destined from birth to wind up in prison?
Waiting for the “Einstein of consciousness”
Nov 14, 2018 — Aryeh Cohen-Wade & Rebecca Lohnes
Rebecca’s path from the Ivy League to an animal shelter
The science of animal training
The many reasons why you shouldn’t try to be your dog’s “alpha”
What we know about animal personality
What goes on inside an animal shelter?
Is there such a thing as a “bad dog”?
What’s actually happening when your pet looks ashamed
Aryeh and Rebecca debate whether their dog loves them
Nov 13, 2018 — Nikita Petrov & Tanya Luhrmann
Tanya’s “local theory of mind”
Harry Potter, prayer, and other “cultural invitations”
Psychotherapy in the US and witchcraft in Ghana
American individualism and Asian interdependence
The differences between hearing God in Ghana and the US
The Internet as externalized imagination: Pepe and Kek
A “hyper-real God”: having coffee with Jesus
Thoughts, perceptions, the world, and the self
Nov 11, 2018 — John Horgan & Rebecca Newberger Goldstein
Rebecca’s childhood: poor, religious, and patriarchal
How Bertrand Russell helped Rebecca lose her faith
The problem of beauty
When Rebecca shared a transcendent moment with a troop of baboons
From physics to philosophy
From philosophy to fiction
Does art better address the mind-body problem than philosophy does?
Reasons to feel optimistic about the world
Nov 10, 2018 — Colin Pugh & Daniel Pinchbeck
Daniel’s book,
How Soon Is Now?
An example of a modern myth: the GDP
Can society be reborn into new myths?
Daniel: We need to devote most of our efforts to sustaining the health of the planet
Why Daniel calls his beliefs “post-New Age”
What is “neo-Shamanism”?
Nov 9, 2018 — Daniel Kaufman & David Ottlinger
What role should guns play in a liberal society?
What American deference to police says about authority and force
Why we leave justice in the government’s hands
Defining modern conservatism: Is Matt Lewis a “liberal”?
Do pro-gun arguments consider the social contract?
David: Do open-carriers want to live in a Mad Max movie?
Dan: Grover Norquist’s model citizen isn’t a citizen at all
Nov 4, 2018 — Aryeh Cohen-Wade & Brandy Jensen
How Brandy came to write an advice column called “Ask a F*ck-Up”
Young people’s problems: depression, alienation, loneliness
Brandy’s central theme: the responsibilities we bear to each other
Can “bad men” change?
The different questions men and women ask
Brandy: A “sex strike” would never work
In defense of being in your own Twitter bubble
Why are there so many depressed people on Twitter?
Nov 3, 2018 — John Horgan & Owen Flanagan
Owen’s transition from Catholicism to “quiet skepticism”
The problem of evil
The hubris of modern philosophers
Can we live with the scientific image of man?
The origin of the universe, life, and consciousness
Owen: Doubt yourself
Does philosophy lead to practical wisdom?
Mind-altering chemicals and free will
Nov 2, 2018 — Robert Wright & Eric Kandel
The research on memory that won Eric the Nobel Prize
The difference between normal memory loss and Alzheimer’s
Eric’s new book,
The Disordered Mind
Eric’s breakthrough study of marine snails with giant nerve cells
What it’s like to win the Nobel Prize
Eric’s childhood escape from Nazi-ruled Vienna to America
Why Vienna was a center of intellectual ferment in the early 20th century
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